Rajam aunty's visit


About Anu
About Madan
Anu and Me
Here is Pallavi
This is Murali
Our Families
Rajam aunty's visit
Our New Home

at Port Campbell.jpg (28655 bytes)

Yes you guessed right - Rajam aunty is Anu's mum. You might ask why do I call her aunty- well mother-in-law sounds too formal and mum sounds too personal so I just played it safe. Actually we get on pretty well - cos' she cooks yummy food . And as you know food is my weakness and the women of this household are exploiting this to the max.

Aunty has only been with us since the 6th of Feb'2002 ( arrived a week after Murali was born) and will be with us hopefully for a year. We have only just started going out on weekends .Murali was too small  but now he is 6 weeks old and  with his feeding habits the lil'fella has got a rounded look ( no surprises here - with all the women in this house giving him their full undivided attention ) .

Here are a few places we took Rajam Aunty (some photos taken at home)

botanic gardens1.jpg (69688 bytes) botanic gardens2.jpg (35687 bytes) botanical gardens3.jpg (35988 bytes) dandenong ranges.jpg (34914 bytes) inside home.jpg (30227 bytes) lake emerald.jpg (36345 bytes) ocean road2.jpg (29264 bytes) outside home.jpg (35691 bytes) ocean road1.jpg (21450 bytes)